Clam clam OE Old English clam meant 'something for tying up or fastening, fetter';A dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam Clams have a foot that helps them burrow into the soft sediment, and you'll most likely find them hiding in the mud or sand One of the more wellknown clams is the coquina clam these tiny clams live in sandy beaches around the world and will quickly burrow into the sand after each wave (or kid's sand shovel) disturbs them

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Clam 英文
Clam 英文- 引言 最近在看mmdetection源码,遇到了torchmeshgrid()、torchclamp()这两个函数,觉得这两个函数用处很大,所以来记录一下。torchmeshgrid() x1 ,y1 = torchmeshgrid(x,y) 参数是两个,第一个参数我们假设是x,第二个参数假设就是y 输出的是两个tensor,size就是xsize * ysize(行数是x的个数,列Magazine F CLAM NO13期 F杂志 英文版 本期主题:CLAM

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Clamとは意味:1clam n二枚貝, ハマグリ動詞+ dig clams ハマグリを掘りだす, 潮干狩をする steam clams 貝を蒸す open a clam 貝の口をあける shuck a clam 貝の身を殻から出す形容詞 名詞+ baked clams 石焼きハマグリ eat raw clams 生貝を食べる 2clam v"frozen razor clam"中文翻译 冻蛏肉 "razor clam sauce"中文翻译 蛏油 "razor"中文翻译 n 剃刀。 a safety razor 安全剃刀。 as sharp as a razor 厉害的,机警的。 skin a razor 做不可能做的事。 "clam"中文翻译 n (plclam,clams) 1动物;动物学蛤;蛤肉。Happy as a clam 花蛤 (Clam) 只會嚮海水潮退時才俾人捉到,潮漲時很難捉到嘅~所以英文有句短語 "as happy as a clam in mud at high tide"(像潮漲時嘅花蛤一樣快樂)。 "Happy as a clam" 就係嚟自呢句短語,意思係開心到飛起! eg I've been as happy as a clam from the first day I
Z series low to high end clamshell mobile phones 系列低端到高端翻蓋手機。 Pick up a clamshell and weigh it in your hand 撿起一個蛤殼,在手里掂量一下它有多重。 Pick up a clamshell and weigh it in your hand it is heavy 撿起一個蛤殼,在手里掂量一下它有多重。Keep clam 和clam down的区别是什么 19;Clam klæm n burrowing marine mollusk living on sand or mud;
It can be traced back to a prehistoric Germanic base *klam, which also produced clamp 14 and is related to climbThere is a gap in the word's history in early Middle English times, but it reappears at the end of the 14th century in the sense 'clamp', and in the 16th century it was applied英文名称:Indorse Token 英文简称:IND 发布日期: 货币总量:170,622,047 核心算法: 研发团队:Indorse团队 所属国家: 区块时间: 区 能源币币(Energycoin)是什么?能源币币(Energycoin)介绍总量、团队、价格行情、交易所 阅读(0) 评论() 能源币Clamshell的中文意思:n蛤壳;蛤壳状挖泥器。,查阅clamshell的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 英文解释 the shell of a clam;

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Side changes chang weishuang, the shadow is absorbed abreaction slower常春藤英語 英語俚語時間 As Happy as a Clam 開心得不得了 clam klAm 是指『蛤蠣』, as happy as a clam 字面上的意思 就是『跟蛤蠣一樣開心』。 其實這個俚語完整的說法是 as happy as a clam at high tide(像漲潮時的蛤蠣一樣快樂),high tide 就是※英文詞彙tank steamer在字典百科英英字典中的解釋。 例句 The anticipant control curve approximating strategy and corresponding self learning strategy are submitted and implemented very well the result of expert control in three tank liquid level equipment and three zone high temperature furnace is satisfying

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V gather clams, by digging in the sand by the ocean英文缩写大全为您免费提供CLAM的意思,CLAM是什么意思,CLAM的中文解释放行高度保持监视,CLAM的英文全称Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring,CLAM是Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring的英文缩写。检查" razor clams"到中文的翻译。浏览句子中razor clams的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。

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The shell closes with viselike firmness;Clamshell /kl'æmʃ,ɛl/ 共發現 2 筆關於 clamshell 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1) The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v048 gcide clamshell \clamshell\ n 1 the shell of a clam WordNet 15 2 a dredging bucket with hinges like 三、海鮮英文貝殼篇 • clam 蛤蠣 • ostreidae 牡蠣 • haliotis diversicolor 九孔 • haliotis 鮑魚 • scallop 扇貝 mussel 淡菜 四、海鮮英文軟體篇 • calamari 魷魚 • neritic Squid 軟絲 • cuttlefish 烏賊 • octopus 章魚 五、海鮮英文其他 • sea urchin 海膽 • sea

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18/3/24 更新:軟體版本更新至 v0994 最新版,建議下載、更新為最新版(更新細節)。 ClamWin是一套開放原始碼的免費軟體,可在公司、學校與一般個人的電腦裡面免費安裝使用。除了Windows系統專用的版本之外,另外還有給Linux與其他系統安裝使用的ClamAV版本,一樣都是免2、具有中国特色且已被国外主要英文字典收录的,使用汉语方言拼写或音译拼写的菜名,仍保留其原拼写方式、 如:豆腐 Tofu 宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken 馄饨 Wonton 3、中文菜肴名称无法体现其做法及主配料的,使用汉语拼音,并在后标注英文注释Shellfish called a clam 例文帳に追加 蛤という貝 EDR日英対訳辞書 the shell of a freshwater clam 例文帳に追加 蜆の貝殻 EDR日英対訳辞書 the meat of a Japanese surf clam 例文帳に追加 バカガイのむき身 EDR日英対訳辞書 a clam called Chlamys farreri nipponensis 例文帳に追加 吾妻

華龍師の物語 貴妃蚌

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看英文電影不看中文字幕,英文會進步??(65,7) 我的自然發音學習經驗(給只會KK音標的人)(64,819) 廣告mobile發音的議題(60,7) 過時的俚語"It's raining dogs and cats"(文庭澍教授)(56,8) 阿嬤學習法(1):英文單字用諧音學習!?(54,596) 很多外國人唸often的時候,T有發可輸入英文 單字、中文字 A dish made of fresh fish or clams, biscuit, onions, etc, stewed together 1913 Webster 2 A seller of fish Prov Eng Halliwell 1913 Webster {Chowder beer}, a liquor made by boiling black spruce in water and mixing molasses with the decoction 1913 相關英文教學 緩和、減輕疼痛的英文怎麼說? 搞懂 soothe 中文意思! 放鬆 英文叫別人「放鬆」的5種英文說法! Take it easy 中文意思是? 一次搞懂叫人「放鬆、輕鬆」的英文說法! bring down,settle down, break down中文意思是?「down」英文片語大集合!

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資源導覽 中文名 學名 台灣蜆 I Corbicula Fluminea I 中文俗名 蜆仔 蜊仔英文俗名 Freshwater Clam Corbicula Clam 中央研究院數位典藏資源網
开心别只会说"happy"啦,下面给大家分享一下10个关于"开心"的英文表达。 1 be full of the joys of spring 非常高兴;欢快 He bounced into the office, full of the joys of spring 他兴高采烈地蹦跳着进了办公室。 2 like a dog with two tails 非常开心 When Paul won the first prize he wasCLAM Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring 放行高度保持监视 CLAM ClosedLoop Automated Manufacture 闭环自动化生产 CLAM Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring 放行高度保持监视 CLAM California, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri 加利福尼亚、路易斯安那州、阿肯色、密苏里州 CLAM※英文詞彙rapid steamer在字典百科英英字典中的解釋。 例句 A state that lung has different rate, spot piece shape wellability shadow or show meshy model change, the illness progress of partial patient is rapid , show big shape shadow ;

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英文俗名 Duck Latern Clam
A piece of paper money worth one dollar 同义词: dollar dollar bill one dollar bill buck flesh of either hardshell or softshell clams; 英文解釋:feeling, showing, or causing pleasure or satisfaction 中文解釋:幸福的,滿意的,快樂的 例句:She looks so happy 她看起來非常快樂。 常見俚語:as Happy as a Clam 開心得不得了 例句:You look as happy as a clam 你看起來開心得不得了 二、較為正式的 快樂 用英文表达:The hurricane will hit us in thirty minutes The universe is not only imposing and forceful but also clam and soothing → The universe is not only imposing and forceful, but clam and soothing → The universe is imposing and forceful, but also clam and soothing

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Claim翻譯:說, 聲稱;宣稱;斷言;主張, 聲稱擁有(成員), 要求, 要求(擁有);認領;索取, (向政府或組織)索取(錢 Dear Sammy 雖然您說的是正確的,但是我Wiki上也有看到英文的解釋,同時他有提到"A laptop, often called a notebook, is a portable personal computer with a clamshell form factor, suitable for mobile use" So, though the native English speakers mostly say "Laptop", but somehow "Notebook" also seems to be acceptable to them

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